Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tracking Campaigns Google Analytics

How to Track Web Campaigns

Tracking your campaigns

Tracking campaigns data seems to be difficult but when you come to know the exact process, it would be quite interesting. You can track your AdWords campaigns and non-Adwords campaigns as well, banner advertising etc.

How to track campaigns?

Your ads need to be tagged manually or automatically. If you are using Adwords then you need not to tag your url, you can choose auto tagging option available there in AdWords A/C. But if you are using other non AdWords campaigns, you will have to use Google Analytics URL Builder or you can also tag it with your own. If you are using Google Analytics URL Builder for tagging your banner campaigns or other textual ads, then there would be no chance for error. It is easy and simple.
Variables that Google URL Builder Needs

Campaign Source
Campaign Medium
Campaign Term
Campaign Content
Campaign Name

what is direct traffic in Google Analytics

what is direct traffic in Google Analytics

What is the direct traffic in Google Analytics? When Google analytics could not recognize the traffic source it is counted as Direct Traffic. Major source of direct traffic is typing url in the browser or we can say type in user search, apart from this, direct traffic also include visits from your bookmarks, link available in your mail (in case you have configure MS outlook in your computer or you have your own email software), in case of redirects 301, meta refresh tag, link available in your MS Excel file, word file, pdf document etc.

Sometimes the CPC data is also get included in your direct or organic traffic. This only happens when you don’t tags your destination urls properly. You can go to your adword a/c and choose Auto-tagging there. This will tag your destination urls automatically. But what if you are using other campaigns apart from Google AdWords. You will need to tag your urls manually.

If your google analytics a/c now showing adword data there, just enable cost data to see AdWords traffic in your Google Analytics Account.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Google Analytics Features - About Google Analytics

Google Analytics Features About Google Analytics

About Google Analytics: just to say the one of the best free web analytics available online. There are many more website analytics both paid and free but you will not found services and feature what Google Analytics offer you for free. Undoubtedly it is one of the most popular website analytics used by lots of individuals and companies now days.

Google Analytics Features:

Google Analytics offer several features here are the main feature and their benefits for you.
1: Visitor Tracking: Visitor tracking allows you to track visitor’s related data like visits, unique visits, pageviews, average page views, time on site, bounce rate, visitor loyalty, depth of visit, browsers, operating system, screen colors, screen resolution used by the visitors, network property etc.

2: Traffic Source: Traffic source means the source that visitor used to reach to your site. It can be search engine traffic (organic Traffic & Paid), direct traffic, Referring traffic and others (banner advertisement, other search engine CPC etc).

3: Content: It tell you all about your site content like top visitors pages, landing pages, exit pages, site navigation summary etc. you can also track information about each and every individual page, and increase your ROI.

4: Event Tracking: Even tracking means tracking of objects like flash player, videos, downloadable files, music player etc.

5: Goals: Goals or we can say leads, you can set up goals with this feature and can search how many leads you got from your website and what specific area, section, traffic source etc performing well or we can say contributing more to leads. You can accordingly plan your future advertising or marketing plans.

6: Custom Reporting: Custom reporting is a good feature which is mostly used to create customized report and send to your client. Normally what people do, search for the data and place the same in excels or in ppt file and then sent it to the client. You can easily do the same with custom reporting and you will get your report in moments.

7: Advance Segment: Advance segment is very useful if you want to track the visitor behavior for a particular section of your website.

8: Filters: filters are used to purify and customize your data. You will get accurate result with the use of filters. There are two types of filters mainly customized and predefined filters. Read more about filters.

9: Add Profile Option: You can create more than one profile for new website or an already existing website. You can accordingly apply filters and set goals. As there are limited goals in one profile so if you need more goals you can set up new profiles for the same.

10: Data Export: you can exports the data in 5 different formats in PDFs, XML, CSV, CSV for Excel and TSV. You can also directly mail the reports to the clients in different formats directly from your Google Analytics a/c.

This is all about Google Analytics features in short. One of the biggest features that I have not mentioned above is “FREE of Cost”.